Access a compendium of select on-demand projects leveraging independent consultants and experts across tech, finance, strategy, supply chain, marketing and more

About Flexing It®
Flexing It connects 3,000+ organizations, including enterprises and startups, to 80,000 top-tier consultants, helping them find the right talent for their projects
Executive Summary
At Flexing It, we have had the opportunity to transform how organisations engage skilled freelance talent over the past decade. Being category creators and leaders in delivering on-demand knowledge and skill-based work, we see organisations recognising the strategic importance of engaging freelance and independent talent alongside other talent channels.
Flex Folio showcases the diversity of freelance project use cases across skill areas and domains. The projects have been selected from thousands of projects delivered to our clients. Browsing through these projects will help identify new opportunity areas to engage Flexing It talent. Alongside, you will also find some of the capabilities that we bring to every partnership, be it our purpose-built Enterprise product or our Returnship program for women.